Lina, Sefa, Nairouz & Joran
Lugar: Arenas de San Pedro, España.
Fecha: SEP 2017 / AGO 2018
Hello everybody!
We’re the 4 new volunteers for whom a new adventure has begun in Asociación Jóvenes Solidarios here in Arenas de San Pedro. Since the 15th of September, we’ve moved in with our host families for our
So far, everything seems slightly overwhelming: new faces, new names, new language, new places… It will certainly be a month of readjustment for us. But that’s what makes it exciting and ideal for fast learning as well!
And a little bit more about us:
I, Sefa, come from Turkey and for the next month will stay with Alfredo and Angelines. They have two sons: Beltran, 16, and Gonzalo, 13. They also have a smart dog named Tizas, whom I often take for walks in the forest. For my first weekend here, I went hiking to Arenal with my family, and later to Candeleda too. It was fun eating different kinds of fruit on the road and visiting an authentic Spanish village with a stunning view from the mountain. Between lunch and dinner, we visited the monastery and its garden, which I enjoyed very much.
Hello, I am Naiouz Al-Ghishan from Madaba, Jordan, I am 26 years old, I have BA in Visual art, I was a volunteer at Asociacion Jovenes Solidarios (AJS) in Arenas de San Pedro, Spain.
I would say
what if they don’t like me! What about my privacy and their privacy! What if I want to go out at night is it ok or not! Is it going to be comfortable! OMG, they have a son :O- but when I met my family (Miguel, Maiky and their son Arturo) I
families kept in touch, we had dinner every week together and had many activities together, so if you have a doubt to have such an experience because you have to live with a family for a while I say that’s bullshit just go and do it. Regarding the culture difference, did you know that people really use the white lines drawn in the streets?
The experience in AJS is great, especially when you work with the team of AJS, they are helpful, supportive, pushing everyone to be better and motivated us always, I love that they have a message, they believe in it and you can see how they really do, working with them, with the youth and the kids is just amazing nice experience, AJS also gave me the chance to be a Youth leader for a youth exchange they had and they let us participate in a training course they did, AJS is full of nice and amazing surprises that can encourage the volunteers, the youth, the children and their team itself to work on ourselves and think more openly “out of the box”.
I would say this EVS experience changed me for real, though I had my collapsed moments but I survived, you just need to learn how to be more independent away from your usual surrounding, family, friends and what was normal and not normal in your culture, you need to watch closely and learn and deal with a new reality, new stories and new language, IT IS HARD, for God sack I came from the Middle East totally different in food
Here’s a little bit more about the other volunteers and their host families:
Lina from Lithuania lives with Lorena & Arturo and their two children (Lucia, 9, and Arturo, 11). Arturo is the principal of the primary school Zorrilla Monroy, where we’ll be holding our English classes and other workshops. Their house is also the place for the best fruit salad in town. Also, Lina has already
Nairouz from Jordan lives with Maiky & Miguel and their son Arturo who’s 11 years old. They have a rural bed & breakfast, and the most relaxed dog in the world. Nairouz is also lucky because Miguel is known as the master of paella! They’ve all visited Toledo recently and, of course, went for
Joran, a true patriot from France, lives with Teresa & Juan, and their 14-year-old son Cristian, who is also a member of the AJS youth
And they are not just white line they have a name (walking cross
About the experience in general, well, starting with language classes, I had the best Spanish teacher, Roland, he is my heart, my life and my love <3 the best and the most fantastic, amazing and wonderful teacher in the whole world , he is always there for any question if I ask about a word he told me the history of this word, where did it come from and how to use it.